What we do

  • Neoen specialises exclusively in renewable energy at scale, deploying the mature technologies of solar power, wind power and storage. We provide governments and industry with clean energy to help them to decarbonise. We are at the forefront of innovation in battery storage, with a track record of developing solutions to challenges presented by the energy transition.

Renewables expert

Solar power

The sun is the most widely available source of energy on earth and solar photovoltaics is the quickest technology to deploy. Neoen began its journey with solar and it continues to be the main activity across our regions.

4047 MWp

Wind power

Onshore wind farms are a mature source of renewable energy at competitive rates. We currently focus our business in Australia, France, Finland, Sweden, and Ireland where we have wind farms in operation as well as a substantial portfolio of projects in development.

2429 MW


Neoen has been a global pioneer in the field of battery storage, famously delivering the world’s first big battery in South Australia and continuing to lead the way in battery innovation. With storage assets across our regions, our ambition is global.

2194 MW / 5029 MWh

Energy integrator

We design and offer integrated energy solutions to accelerate the energy transition.

Pioneering battery solutions
Inertie virtuelle
High speed frequency support

We provide a range of high-speed frequency support services to network operators which deliver cost savings to consumers.

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Protection des reseaux
System protection services

Our batteries can deliver system protection services to grid operators, giving them time to address exceptional events, as a form of insurance.

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Regulation de frequence
Virtual inertia

We can deliver virtual inertia at scale to solve the problem of inertia shortfalls as conventional power plants are phased out.

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Firming renewable
Electricite verte 24:24
24/7 renewable baseload contract

To decarbonise industry and manufacturing, we combine renewable generation with storage in a firm 24/7 renewable baseload contract.

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Stockage longue duree
Long duration storage

Using longer duration storage, we can provide network operators with the ability to transfer daytime solar oversupply to meet evening peak demand.

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Customizing contract structures
Energie competitive
Guaranteed competitive energy

We can guarantee a clean and competitive energy with long-term price certainty for our customers at a regional, national or continental level through leveraging our global asset portfolio.

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Service de Batterie virtuelle
Virtual battery solutions

We have developed a highly innovative ‘virtual battery’ solution providing customers with the ability to control the battery without needing to build one.

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Long-term operator
Develop & Design
Invest & Implement
Own & Operate

Develop & Design

We start by assessing the feasibility of a potential site in terms of its environmental, social, economic and technical aspects. This includes engaging with stakeholders neighbouring residents and the local community as well as elected representatives and government agencies. We do extensive studies to understand the site and we secure the necessary government approvals.

Invest & Implement

We finance our projects through a combination of equity and long term debt. We supervise the construction of our power plants to ensure their high quality and we deal only with industry leading suppliers.

Own & Operate

We own our plants and operate them in our own name over the long term. They are monitored in real time by our team of specialists. Our growing portfolio of assets combined with our energy management expertise affords us the ability to craft integrated energy solutions for our customers.